Monthly Contest Sponsorship:

  1. You can pay Rs 5000 or $100 to pay for the two winners of the monthly contest
  2. By Holding a Tech talk/ Workshop/Training at your institution you will get all the monthly contest sponsorship benefit free of cost


  1. Sponsor’s name on the respective monthly contest page
  2. Sponsor’s name in the previous sponsor’s page
  3. Sponsor’s name in our advertisements / mailers/ brochures for that contest

Annual Contest Sponsorship

  1. You can pay Rs 50000 or $1000 to pay for the winner of the annual contest
  2. You can advertise on AlgorithmGuru under the annual package + Holding a five day training at your institution and you will get all the benefits of Annual contest sponsorship free of cost apart from the advertisement


  1. Sponsor’s name on the annual page contest page for the whole year
  2. Sponsor’s name in the sponsor’s archive page
  3. Sponsor’s advertisement on the Annual challenge page
  4. Sponsor’s tag with the annual challenge advertisement on the index page

For sponsorships mail at

If you have any question: